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FAQ - Summer Camp

When do I drop my child off?


Camper Registration is Monday between 4:00 and 5:00 pm.


*We respectfully request that campers NOT be dropped off before 4:00 pm.

When do I pick my child up?


Friday Finale: Parents/Guardians are welcome to join us on Friday for the closing Slideshow at 4:30 pm, followed by Supper at 5:00 pm.


*We respectfully request that campers NOT be picked up before 5:00 pm.

(if you need to pick your child up early, please call ahead to make arrangements in order to avoid disrupting the camp activities)


*Parents will be asked to 'sign out' their child at the Registration Desk before leaving camp.

(when picking up your camper, we ask parents/guardians to sign your child out at the Registration Desk when you arrive so that our staff can keep everyone safe and accounted for).

​​How do cabin placements work?


Campers are pre-assigned to cabins. Changes to cabin placement will not be made on the day of registration.


*If you have campers who wish to be together, we can do our best to place them on the same team. Campers on the same team will be together for most of the day.

​How do I guarantee my child's spot at camp?


Registration AND Payment are required ahead in order to guarantee a spot for your child.


* Be sure to pre-register and pay AT LEAST 2 weeks in advance as there is only room for a limited number of campers per week.

What is the cancellation/refund policy?


If you have a paid registration and called to cancel by noon on Monday you will get a full refund.

After Monday noon, there will be no refunds.

​What if I need to contact my child during the week?


Please feel free to call our Camp Office at 306-288-2136 during the week to ask how your child is doing. We will ensure any messages are deliver to your child. We recommend that campers do not phone home during the week as this has been known to cause homesickness.

​What are PRBC's cellphone guidlines?


We ask that cellphones and electronics be left at home. Your child will have a better camp experience without worrying about their phone. Pine Ridge is not responsible for lost/stolen/damaged cell phones or cell phone accessories. This includes ALL manner of electronics and valuables.


To ensure the safety of your child, all phone calls made by campers need to go through a PRBC Staff Member.

If you receive a call from your child without speaking to a PRBC Staff Member first, please contact the Camp Office (306-288-2136) immediately so that we can be aware of what is happening.

What if my child gets homesick while at camp?

If your child is experiencing homesickness, we’ll do our best to get them to focus on all the fun they are having instead of how much they are missing home or missing you. If, despite our best efforts, your child is still struggling, we will call you (the parent/guardian) before 8:30pm in the evening in the hopes that you can encourage them to stay.


Ultimately, it’s the parent’s decision as to whether or not the homesick child stays at camp or goes home. Refund policy listed above applies.


Our policy has been that no calls be made to parents/guardians after 8:30pm in the evenings (unless there is some sort of emergency). This has been generally well accepted, and has proven to be very good for parents, staff, and campers. It eliminates late night disruptions for campers and late night drives for parents, and also helps to give our staff adequate sleep at night.

What if my child gets sick or injured at camp?

In the case of a medical emergency, every reasonable effort will be made to contact you as the parent/guardian. PRBC's 1st aid team will provide treatment for your child and may obtain medical attention off site if necessary.

What about medications and dietary needs?

Please inform us ahead of time about any medications, allergies or dietary needs that your child has. ALL medications (prescription and over the counter) MUST be checked in with the camp nurse at registration. Medications of any kind (except for puffers and epipens) are NOT ALLOWED in the cabins.

Does my child need spending cash at camp?

The snack bar (Tuck) is included in the registration fee (please DO NOT send $ for the snack bar). Each camper will receive 1 t-shirt which is included in their registration fee. PRBC Swag Items may be available for sale at registration or pick-up. Please DO NOT send money with your camper as it may become lost or stolen. PRBC is not responsible for lost/stolen money.

What should I pack for camp?

Campers should bring: sleeping bag or blankets, pillow, running shoes, sandals, swim clothes, towel, several changes of clothes, warm sweater, bug spray, toothbrush/toothpaste, Bible and notebook (if they have one).

What NOT to pack for camp:

Please DO NOT bring: Cell phones, iPads & other electronic stuff, lighters, knives, bikinis, tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, marijuana or vapes, snacks with nuts in them.


Any items on this list should be sent home at time of registration or checked in at the registration desk. Items found after registration will be confiscated and returned at pick-up (drugs, alcohol & tobacco will not be returned).

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